Documentation Generation¶
The ROS Scan-N-Plan application is complete and tested. It is important to thoroughly document the code so that other developers may easily understand this program.
Information and Resources¶
Scan-N-Plan Application: Problem Statement¶
We have completed and tested our Scan-N-Plan program and we need to release the code to the public. Your goal is to make documentation viewable in a browser. You may accomplish this by annotated the myworkcell_core package with doxygen syntax and generating documentation with rosdoc_lite.
Scan-N-Plan Application: Guidance¶
Annotate the Source Code¶
- Open the myworkcell_node.cpp file from the previous example.
- Annotate above the ScanNPlan Class:
* @brief The ScanNPlan class is a client of the vision and path plan servers. The ScanNPLan class takes
* these services, computes transforms and published commands to the robot.
class ScanNPlan
- Annotate above the start method
* @brief start performs the robot alorithms functions of the ScanNPlan of
* the node. The start method makes a service request for a transform that
* localizes the part. The start method moves the "manipulator"
* move group to the localization target. The start method requests
* a cartesian path based on the localization target. The start method
* sends the cartesian path to the actionlib client for execution, bypassig
* MoveIt!
* @param base_frame is a string that specifies the reference frame
* coordinate system.
void start()
- Annotate above the flipPose
* @brief flipPose rotates the input transform by 180 degrees about the
* x-axis
* @param in geometry_msgs::Pose reference to the input transform
* @return geometry_msgs::Pose of the flipped output transform
geometry_msgs::Pose transformPose(const geometry_msgs::Pose& in) const
- Annotate above the main function
* @brief main is the ros interface for the ScanNPlan Class
* @param argc ROS uses this to parse remapping arguments from the command line.
* @param argv ROS uses this to parse remapping arguments from the command line.
* @return ROS provides typical return codes, 0 or -1, depending on the
* execution.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
- Additional annotations may be placed above private variables or other important code elements.
Generate documentation¶
- Install rosdoc_lite:
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-rosdoc-lite
- Build the package so we can source it later:
catkin build
- Source the package
source ./devel/setup.bash
- run rosdoc_lite to generate the documentation
roscd myworkcell_core
rosdoc_lite .
View the Documentation¶
- Open the documentation in a browser:
firefox doc/html/index.html
- Navigate to Classes -> ScanNPlan and view the documentation.