Start in Simulation Mode

In this exercise, we will start a ROS system that is ready to move the robot in simulation mode.

Run setup launch file in simulation mode (simulated robot and sensor)

In a terminal

roslaunch collision_avoidance_pick_and_place ur5_setup.launch

Rviz will display all the workcell components including the robot in its default position; at this point your system is ready. However no motion will take place until we run the pick and place node.

Setup for real sensor and simulated robot

roslaunch collision_avoidance_pick_and_place ur5_setup.launch sim_sensor:=false

Setup for real robot and simulated sensor data

roslaunch collision_avoidance_pick_and_place ur5_setup.launch sim_robot:=false robot_ip:= [robot ip]

Setup for real robot and real sensor

roslaunch collision_avoidance_pick_and_place ur5_setup.launch sim_robot:=false robot_ip:= [robot ip] sim_sensor:=false sim_gripper:=false